This image shows a a collection of disordered liquid crystals.

June issue live

Read about patterning of multiple liquid crystal phases, noble gas clusters in bilayer graphene, perovskite proton radiation detectors, and lymph nodes for delivery of CAR T cells.


  • Nobel prize in chemistry

    The 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been awarded to Moungi G. Bawendi, Louis E. Brus and Alexei I. Ekimov for the discovery and synthesis of quantum dots. In celebration, Nature Portfolio presents a collection of research, review, and opinion pieces on quantum dots.

  • Nobel prize in Physics

    The Nobel Prize in Physics 2023 has been awarded to Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz and Anne L’Huillier “for experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter“. In celebration, Nature Portfolio presents a collection of research, review, and opinion pieces on attosecond optics.

  • Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine

    The 2023 Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman for their “discoveries concerning nucleoside base modifications that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19”. In celebration, Nature Portfolio presents a collection of research, review, and opinion pieces on mRNA vaccines and drug delivery.

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  • MXenes with borate polyanion terminations are synthesized using a flux-assisted eutectic molten etching approach. These triatomic-layer terminations empower MXenes with considerably improved charge transport and charge storage capabilities.

    • Dongqi Li
    • Wenhao Zheng
    • Xinliang Feng
  • Scanning tunnelling microscopy of doped RuCl3 shows distinct charge orderings at the lower and upper Hubbard bands, which can be attributed to a correlation-driven honeycomb hole crystal composed of hole-rich Ru sites and a rotational-symmetry-breaking paired electron crystal composed of electron-rich Ru–Ru bonds.

    • Zhizhan Qiu
    • Yixuan Han
    • Jiong Lu
  • The authors investigate the origins of chirality transfer across length scales, quantitatively demonstrating how chirality propagates from the molecular to liquid crystal level in filamentous virus systems.

    • Eric Grelet
    • Maxime M. C. Tortora
  • The authors demonstrate a programmable topological photonic chip with large-scale integration of silicon photonic nanocircuits and microresonators that can be rapidly reprogrammed to implement diverse multifunctionalities.

    • Tianxiang Dai
    • Anqi Ma
    • Jianwei Wang
    ArticleOpen Access
    • Lyophilized lymph nodes are a natural scaffold to deliver chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells to tumour resection sites, where they serve as a natural T cell-supporting niche and enhance CAR T cell efficacy in reducing recurrence in preclinical tumour resection models.

      • Kewen Lei
      • Darrell J. Irvine
      News & Views
    • Photolysis and ion migration under electrical bias cause intrinsic instability in halide perovskite solar cells. By harnessing materials that both capture and confine iodide and polyiodide ions at the perovskite surface, the stability of devices under ultraviolet irradiation, thermal–light conditions or reverse bias can be greatly increased.

      Research Briefing
    • Precision laser irradiation of liquid-crystal polymer networks with dynamic bonds enables reversible phase patterning to create multi-stimuli responsive materials towards wearable devices and information encryption.

      • Elizabeth A. Recker
      • Joy Zhou
      • Zachariah A. Page
      News & Views
    • Integrating electrochemically actuated soft robotics with ultra-flexible microelectrodes enables reversible and gentle wrapping around nerves for high-quality recordings.

      • Klas Tybrandt
      News & Views
  • Stacked atomic layers that interact via van der Waals forces offer a confined interlayer space for stabilizing unconventional materials or physical states, enabling a versatile platform for engineering structural configurations and properties at the atomic level.

  • The scientific community has become more aware of issues surrounding reproducibility. We should remain cognizant that as we develop better understanding we can revise our knowledge of a problem and scientific findings that are considered valid today might not be in the future.

  • Misalignment-induced moiré patterns and chirality in two-dimensional materials offer vast opportunities for manipulating their properties, but they face challenges in synthesis and structural control.

  • The 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry acknowledged work that paved the way to a nanotechnology worthy of the name.


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