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Suche: 5 Ergebnisse

  • 07.09.2021 Broschüre Dritter Gleichstellungsbericht - Eine Zusammenfassung des Gutachtens - Englisch

    Third Gender Equality Report - Summary of the Expert Opinion

    The Expert Opinion of the Third Gender Equality Report of the Federal Government addresses the issue of how digitalisation can be shaped in a gender-equitable way.

  • 23.03.2021 Broschüre Gender equality policy for boys and men in Germany

    A dossier on a cooperative gender equality policy

    Equal opportunity policy based on partnership focuses equally on women and men and provides support where there are disadvantages. The dossier describes how these policies already address and mobilize boys and men as active subjects as well as beneficiaries. In addition, there is an overview of the current state of research and developments in the field. It also illustrates present and future challenges and opens up new perspectives and horizons – for a modern society in which partnership ...

  • 12.03.2021 Broschüre Women and Men in Germany

    This brochure illustrates where Germany stands in terms of gender equality.

  • 21.10.2020 Broschüre The Road to Equal Pay for Women and Men

    Facts, Causes, Measures

    The dossier gives a comprehensive and informative overview of the current state of equal pay in Germany. The brochure also illustrates why and how much women in Germany still earn less than men, it takes a look at the situation in Europe and informs about the most important measures to tackle the gender pay gap. In addition, the brochure contains the newest figures and studies regarding this subject.

  • 28.09.2020 Broschüre Gender equality policy for boys and men in Germany - Short version

    Implementing a cooperative gender equality policy

    Equal opportunity policy based on partnership focuses equally on women and men and provides support where there are disadvantages. The dossier "Gender equality policy for boys and men in Germany – Implementing an equitable approach to gender equality policy" describes how these policies already address and mobilize boys and men as active subjects as well as beneficiaries. In addition, there is an overview of the current state of research and developments in the field. It also illustrates ...