Lab Corner: The power of three

By Mike Anderson, P.E., CAE 

I was listening to the radio recently and heard “Learning to Fly” by Pink Floyd. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed it since much of my experience with their music ended with the album “The Final Cut” in 1983. As I listened it occurred to me that two other songs I also loved – “Given to Fly” by Pearl Jam and “Learn to Fly” by Foo Fighters – had almost the same name and were all released within about a decade of each other. Odd that three great songs would have so similar names and be in my listening consciousness around the same time. 


Reconstructing rural roadways: Indiana’s new approach

By Jason Wielinski, P.E.

Major infrastructure projects receive most of the fanfare when it comes to publicity and attention for their sheer size, funding levels and significant scoping challenges. These are the interstate or other high-traffic volume projects where agencies are adding pavement structural capacity with added travel lanes or constructing brand new roadways to serve the traveling public.
