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全球化下歐洲聯盟境內人口販運問題之研究 ; Study on the problem of human trafficking in European Union under globalization

謝采臻 ; Hsieh, Tsai-Chen ; et al.
In: 一、 中文書目 (一) 專書 ______(2002),非傳統安全威脅研究報告,台北市:國家安全局。 王泰銓(2008),歐洲聯盟法總論,台北:台灣智庫。 王泰銓主編(2006),歐洲聯盟條約與歐洲共同體條約譯文及重要參考文件, 台北市:翰蘆圖書出版有限公司。 江啓臣(2009),國際組織與全球治理概論,台北:五南圖書出版有限公司。 俞可平主編(2003),全球化:全球治理,北京:社會科學文獻出版社。 陳春山(2007),2020全球趨勢與全球治理,台北:聯經出版公司。 陳麗娟(2010),里斯本條約後歐洲聯盟新面貎,台北:五南圖書出版社。 黃富源(2007),跨國人口販運之態樣、原因及防治策略之研究,台北市:內 政部入出國及移民署。 龐中英主編(2006),中國學者看世界-全球治理卷,香港:和平圖書有限公 司。 林祐聖譯(2005),David Held等著,治理全球化-權力、權威與全球治理 (Governing Globalization: Power, Authority and Global Governance),台北:韋伯文化國際出版有限公司。 沈宗瑞、高少凡等譯(2007), David Held等著,全球化大轉變-全球化對政 治、經濟與文化的衝擊(Global transformations: politics, economics and culture),台北:韋伯文化國際出版有限公司。 吳國卿譯(2006),Moisés Naím著,誰劫走了全球經濟-全球化的五大戰爭 121 (Illicit: How Smugglers, Traffickers and Copycats are Hijacking the Global Economy),台北:時報文化出版企業股份有限公司。 (二) 期刊/論文 刁仁國(2008),非法移民與人口販運問題,第二屆「國境安全與人口移動」 學術研討會,209-225,桃園:中央警察大學移民研究中心。 李光桓(2007),歐盟刑事司法合作之研究,南華大學歐洲研究所碩士論文。 李貴雪(2009),歐盟警政合作在歐洲統合過程中的發展與限制,國境警察學 報,11:93-129。 姜家雄(2010),歐洲聯盟與打擊人口販運,中國政治學會年會暨「能知的 公民?民主的理想與實際」學術研討會,高雄:中山大學。 柯慶忠(2005),歐盟警察組織簡介,國境警察學報,4:25-55。 柯麗玲(2007),人口販運概念之研究,檢察新論,2:61-81。 張亞中(2001),全球治理:主體與權力的解析,問題與研究,40(4):1-24。 陳正芬(2008),歐洲人口販運之現況與展望-以德國為中心,檢察新論, 3:204-224。 陳明傳(2008),國際防制人口販運問題之研究,第二屆「國境安全與人口 移動」學術研討會,159-182,桃園:中央警察大學移民研究中心。 汪毓瑋(2006),全球治理脈絡下因應組織性犯罪之理論與實踐,遠景基金會 季刊,7(3):1-34。 (三) 雜誌 葉心慧(2007),「大西洋奴隸貿易-非洲人口販賣血淚史」,經典雜誌, 113:136-147。 二、 外文書目 (一) 專書 Cameron, S. and Newman, E. (eds.) (2008), Trafficking in humans: Social, cultural and political dimensions, New York: United Nations University Press. Crawford, A. (ed.) (2002), Crime and Insecurity-The Governance of Safety in Europe, UK: Willan Publishing. Friman, H. Richard and Reich, S. (eds.) (2007), Human trafficking, human security, and the Balkans, USA:University of Pittsburgh Press. Jonsson, A. (ed.) (2009), Human Trafficking and Human Security, London: Routledge. Kara, S. (2009), Sex Trafficking- Inside the Business of Modern Slavery, New York: Columbia University Press Rijken, C. (2003), Trafficking in Persons: Prosecution from a European Perspective, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press. Scarpa, S. (2008), Trafficking in Human Beings - Modern Slavery, USA:Oxford University Press. Shelley, L. (2010), Human Trafficking: A Global Perspective, New York: Cambridge University Press. (二) 專書文章 Goodey, J. (2003), “Recognising organized crime’s victims-The case of sex trafficking in the EU”, in Adam Edwards and Peter Gill (eds.), Transnational organised crime : perspectives on global security, New York : Routledge. Kelly, L. (2005), “You Can Find Anything You Want:A Critical Reflection on Research on Trafficking in Persons with and into Europe”, in Frank Laczko and Elzbieta Gozdziak (ed.), Data and Research on Human Trafficking: A Global Survey, Geneva: International Organization for Migration. Koslowsk, R. (2001), “Economic Globalization, Human Smuggling and Global Governance”, in David Kyle and Rey Koslowski (eds.), Global Human Smuggling: Comparative Perspectives, US: The Johns Hopkins University Press. Medved, F. and Cullen, P. (2002), “Counteracting Human Trafficking: An Analysis of European Union Policy”, in Malcolm Anderson and Joana Apap (eds.) Police and Justice Co-operation and the New Europe Borders, Hague: Kluwer Law International. Miko, F. T. (2007), International Human Trafficking, in Kimberly L. Thachuk (ed.), Transnational Threats: Smuggling and Trafficking in Arms, Drugs and Human life, USA: Prager Security International. Obokata, T. (2006), “EU Action against Trafficking in Human Beings: Past, Presentand Future”, in Elspeth Guild and Paul Minderhoud (eds.), Immigration and Criminal Law in the European Union-The Legal Measures and Social Consequences of Criminal Law in Member State on Trafficking and Smuggling in Human Beings, Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. Pierre, J. and Peters, B. Guy (2000), “Governance at Three Levels,” in Jon Pierre and B. Guy Peters, Governance, Politics and the State, New York: St. Martin’s Press. Värynen, R. (2005), “Illegal Immigration, Human Trafficking and Organized Crime”, in George J. Borjas and Jeff Crisp (eds.), Poverty, international migration, and asylum, New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Wong, D. (2005) “The Rumor of Trafficking”, in Willem van Schendel and Itty Abraham (eds.), Illicit Flows and Criminal Things- States, Borders, and the Other Side of Globalization, USA: Indiana University Press. (三) 期刊 Aronowitz, A. A. (2001), “Smuggling and Trafficking in Human Beings: The Phenomenon, the Markets that Drives it and the Organisations that Promote it”, European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, Vol. 9, 163-195. Askola, H. (2007), “Violence against Women, Trafficking, and Migration in the European Union”, European Law Journal, Vol.13, No.2, 204-217. Corrin, C. (2005), “Transnational Road for Traffic: Analysing Trafficking in Women from and through Central and Eastern Europe”, Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 57, No.4, 543-560. Goodey, J. (2004), “Sex trafficking in women from Central and East European Countries: promoting a “victim-centred” and “woman-centred” approach to criminal justice intervention”, Feminist Review, No. 76, 26-45. Mameli, P. A. (2002), “Stopping the Illegal Trafficking of Human Beings”, Crime, Law and Social Change, Vol.38, 67–80. Obokata, T. (2003), “EU Council Framework Decision on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings: A Critical Appraisal”, Common Market Law Review, Vol.40, No.4, 917-936. Salt J. (2000), “Trafficking and Human Smuggling: A European Perspective”, International Migration, Special Issue 2000/1, 31-56. Salt, J. and Stein, J. (1997), “Migration as a Business: The Case of Trafficking”, International Migration Vol. 35, No.4, 467-494. Smartt, U. (2003), “Human trafficking: Simply a European problem?”, European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice,Vol.11, No.2, 164-177. Twomey, P. (2000), “Europe’s Other Market-Trafficking in People”, European Journal of Migration and Law, Vol.2, 1-36. 三、 會議發表文章 ___________, “Corruption and Human Trafficking: The Grease that Felicitates the Crime”, paper presented at The Vienna Forum to fight Human Trafficking, 13-15 February 2008. ___________, “Technology and Human Trafficking”, paper presented at The Vienna Forum to fight Human Trafficking, 13-15 February 2008. Helga Konrad, “Trafficking in Human Beings - The Ugly Face of Europe”, paper presented at European Conference on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings- Global Challenge for the 21st Century, 18-20 September 2002. Nicole Lindstrom, “Regional Sex Trafficking Networks and International Intervention in the Balkans”, paper presented for the 45th Annual International Studies Association Convention, Montreal, March 2004 四、 網路資源 _______, “Terrorism & Trafficking: Finding the Nexus”, IAST, spring 2002, Ben Hall, “A Single Market in Crime”, Centre for European Reform, August 1999, < U0002-1402201111510200;; (2011)
Online unknown

全球化下歐洲聯盟境內人口販運問題之研究 ; Study on the problem of human trafficking in European Union under globalization
Autor/in / Beteiligte Person: 謝采臻 ; Hsieh, Tsai-Chen ; 淡江大學歐洲研究所碩士班 ; 郭秋慶 ; Kuo, Chiu-Ching
Quelle: 一、 中文書目 (一) 專書 ______(2002),非傳統安全威脅研究報告,台北市:國家安全局。 王泰銓(2008),歐洲聯盟法總論,台北:台灣智庫。 王泰銓主編(2006),歐洲聯盟條約與歐洲共同體條約譯文及重要參考文件, 台北市:翰蘆圖書出版有限公司。 江啓臣(2009),國際組織與全球治理概論,台北:五南圖書出版有限公司。 俞可平主編(2003),全球化:全球治理,北京:社會科學文獻出版社。 陳春山(2007),2020全球趨勢與全球治理,台北:聯經出版公司。 陳麗娟(2010),里斯本條約後歐洲聯盟新面貎,台北:五南圖書出版社。 黃富源(2007),跨國人口販運之態樣、原因及防治策略之研究,台北市:內 政部入出國及移民署。 龐中英主編(2006),中國學者看世界-全球治理卷,香港:和平圖書有限公 司。 林祐聖譯(2005),David Held等著,治理全球化-權力、權威與全球治理 (Governing Globalization: Power, Authority and Global Governance),台北:韋伯文化國際出版有限公司。 沈宗瑞、高少凡等譯(2007), David Held等著,全球化大轉變-全球化對政 治、經濟與文化的衝擊(Global transformations: politics, economics and culture),台北:韋伯文化國際出版有限公司。 吳國卿譯(2006),Moisés Naím著,誰劫走了全球經濟-全球化的五大戰爭 121 (Illicit: How Smugglers, Traffickers and Copycats are Hijacking the Global Economy),台北:時報文化出版企業股份有限公司。 (二) 期刊/論文 刁仁國(2008),非法移民與人口販運問題,第二屆「國境安全與人口移動」 學術研討會,209-225,桃園:中央警察大學移民研究中心。 李光桓(2007),歐盟刑事司法合作之研究,南華大學歐洲研究所碩士論文。 李貴雪(2009),歐盟警政合作在歐洲統合過程中的發展與限制,國境警察學 報,11:93-129。 姜家雄(2010),歐洲聯盟與打擊人口販運,中國政治學會年會暨「能知的 公民?民主的理想與實際」學術研討會,高雄:中山大學。 柯慶忠(2005),歐盟警察組織簡介,國境警察學報,4:25-55。 柯麗玲(2007),人口販運概念之研究,檢察新論,2:61-81。 張亞中(2001),全球治理:主體與權力的解析,問題與研究,40(4):1-24。 陳正芬(2008),歐洲人口販運之現況與展望-以德國為中心,檢察新論, 3:204-224。 陳明傳(2008),國際防制人口販運問題之研究,第二屆「國境安全與人口 移動」學術研討會,159-182,桃園:中央警察大學移民研究中心。 汪毓瑋(2006),全球治理脈絡下因應組織性犯罪之理論與實踐,遠景基金會 季刊,7(3):1-34。 (三) 雜誌 葉心慧(2007),「大西洋奴隸貿易-非洲人口販賣血淚史」,經典雜誌, 113:136-147。 二、 外文書目 (一) 專書 Cameron, S. and Newman, E. (eds.) (2008), Trafficking in humans: Social, cultural and political dimensions, New York: United Nations University Press. Crawford, A. (ed.) (2002), Crime and Insecurity-The Governance of Safety in Europe, UK: Willan Publishing. Friman, H. Richard and Reich, S. (eds.) (2007), Human trafficking, human security, and the Balkans, USA:University of Pittsburgh Press. Jonsson, A. (ed.) (2009), Human Trafficking and Human Security, London: Routledge. Kara, S. (2009), Sex Trafficking- Inside the Business of Modern Slavery, New York: Columbia University Press Rijken, C. (2003), Trafficking in Persons: Prosecution from a European Perspective, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press. Scarpa, S. (2008), Trafficking in Human Beings - Modern Slavery, USA:Oxford University Press. Shelley, L. (2010), Human Trafficking: A Global Perspective, New York: Cambridge University Press. (二) 專書文章 Goodey, J. (2003), “Recognising organized crime’s victims-The case of sex trafficking in the EU”, in Adam Edwards and Peter Gill (eds.), Transnational organised crime : perspectives on global security, New York : Routledge. Kelly, L. (2005), “You Can Find Anything You Want:A Critical Reflection on Research on Trafficking in Persons with and into Europe”, in Frank Laczko and Elzbieta Gozdziak (ed.), Data and Research on Human Trafficking: A Global Survey, Geneva: International Organization for Migration. Koslowsk, R. (2001), “Economic Globalization, Human Smuggling and Global Governance”, in David Kyle and Rey Koslowski (eds.), Global Human Smuggling: Comparative Perspectives, US: The Johns Hopkins University Press. Medved, F. and Cullen, P. (2002), “Counteracting Human Trafficking: An Analysis of European Union Policy”, in Malcolm Anderson and Joana Apap (eds.) Police and Justice Co-operation and the New Europe Borders, Hague: Kluwer Law International. Miko, F. T. (2007), International Human Trafficking, in Kimberly L. Thachuk (ed.), Transnational Threats: Smuggling and Trafficking in Arms, Drugs and Human life, USA: Prager Security International. Obokata, T. (2006), “EU Action against Trafficking in Human Beings: Past, Presentand Future”, in Elspeth Guild and Paul Minderhoud (eds.), Immigration and Criminal Law in the European Union-The Legal Measures and Social Consequences of Criminal Law in Member State on Trafficking and Smuggling in Human Beings, Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. Pierre, J. and Peters, B. Guy (2000), “Governance at Three Levels,” in Jon Pierre and B. Guy Peters, Governance, Politics and the State, New York: St. Martin’s Press. Värynen, R. (2005), “Illegal Immigration, Human Trafficking and Organized Crime”, in George J. Borjas and Jeff Crisp (eds.), Poverty, international migration, and asylum, New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Wong, D. (2005) “The Rumor of Trafficking”, in Willem van Schendel and Itty Abraham (eds.), Illicit Flows and Criminal Things- States, Borders, and the Other Side of Globalization, USA: Indiana University Press. (三) 期刊 Aronowitz, A. A. (2001), “Smuggling and Trafficking in Human Beings: The Phenomenon, the Markets that Drives it and the Organisations that Promote it”, European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, Vol. 9, 163-195. Askola, H. (2007), “Violence against Women, Trafficking, and Migration in the European Union”, European Law Journal, Vol.13, No.2, 204-217. Corrin, C. (2005), “Transnational Road for Traffic: Analysing Trafficking in Women from and through Central and Eastern Europe”, Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 57, No.4, 543-560. Goodey, J. (2004), “Sex trafficking in women from Central and East European Countries: promoting a “victim-centred” and “woman-centred” approach to criminal justice intervention”, Feminist Review, No. 76, 26-45. Mameli, P. A. (2002), “Stopping the Illegal Trafficking of Human Beings”, Crime, Law and Social Change, Vol.38, 67–80. Obokata, T. (2003), “EU Council Framework Decision on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings: A Critical Appraisal”, Common Market Law Review, Vol.40, No.4, 917-936. Salt J. (2000), “Trafficking and Human Smuggling: A European Perspective”, International Migration, Special Issue 2000/1, 31-56. Salt, J. and Stein, J. (1997), “Migration as a Business: The Case of Trafficking”, International Migration Vol. 35, No.4, 467-494. Smartt, U. (2003), “Human trafficking: Simply a European problem?”, European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice,Vol.11, No.2, 164-177. Twomey, P. (2000), “Europe’s Other Market-Trafficking in People”, European Journal of Migration and Law, Vol.2, 1-36. 三、 會議發表文章 ___________, “Corruption and Human Trafficking: The Grease that Felicitates the Crime”, paper presented at The Vienna Forum to fight Human Trafficking, 13-15 February 2008. ___________, “Technology and Human Trafficking”, paper presented at The Vienna Forum to fight Human Trafficking, 13-15 February 2008. Helga Konrad, “Trafficking in Human Beings - The Ugly Face of Europe”, paper presented at European Conference on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings- Global Challenge for the 21st Century, 18-20 September 2002. Nicole Lindstrom, “Regional Sex Trafficking Networks and International Intervention in the Balkans”, paper presented for the 45th Annual International Studies Association Convention, Montreal, March 2004 四、 網路資源 _______, “Terrorism & Trafficking: Finding the Nexus”, IAST, spring 2002, Ben Hall, “A Single Market in Crime”, Centre for European Reform, August 1999, < U0002-1402201111510200;; (2011)
Veröffentlichung: 2011
Medientyp: unknown
  • 歐洲聯盟
  • 人口販運
  • 全球化
  • 全球治理
  • European Union
  • human trafficking
  • Globalization
  • Global governance
  • Nachgewiesen in: BASE
  • Sprachen: Chinese
  • Collection: Tamkang University Institutional Repository (TKUIR) / 淡江大學機構典藏
  • Document Type: other/unknown material
  • Language: Chinese

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