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Bvrcardi Gotthelffii Struvii ...Formvla Svccessionis Serenissimae Domvs Palatinae Qva Insimvl Modernae Svccessionvm Controversiae Simmerensis, Veldentina Et Bipontina Envcleantvr Secvndvm Pacta, Dispositiones Et Observantiam ..

Struve, Burkhard Gotthelf (1671-1738) ; Bielcke, Johann Felix (-1745)
Ienae: Bielcke, 1726
Monograph, Printed Resource - [4] Bl., [1]gef. Bl., 427 S. ; 4°

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Bvrcardi Gotthelffii Struvii ...Formvla Svccessionis Serenissimae Domvs Palatinae Qva Insimvl Modernae Svccessionvm Controversiae Simmerensis, Veldentina Et Bipontina Envcleantvr Secvndvm Pacta, Dispositiones Et Observantiam ..
Author / Contributor: Struve, Burkhard Gotthelf (1671-1738) ; Bielcke, Johann Felix (-1745)
Related work:
Publication: Ienae: Bielcke, 1726
Media Type: Monograph
Carrier Type: Printed Resource
Pagination: [4] Bl., [1]gef. Bl., 427 S. ; 4°
Additional details:
  • Vorlageform des Erscheinungsvermerks: Ienae, Svmptibvs Io. Felicis Bielckii M DCC XXVI.
  • PLB Speyer: Ex. B93 Rara: Mit handschriftlicher Widmung: ex liberalitate Excellentissimi Domini Auctoris m possidet H.B. Patrick [Hermann Bernhard Patrick, GND+]
  • hbz Verbund-ID: HT003849241

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