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RESPONSVM || IVRIS.|| IN CAVSA RECOGNI=||tionis, seu (ut uocant) reuisionis.|| PER CLARISSIMVM || D. Simonem Pistoris.||

Pistoris, Simon (1489-1562)
[Marburg]: [Kolbe, Andreas], [1551]
Monograph, Resource, Printed Resource - 13 Bl. ; 8-o

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RESPONSVM || IVRIS.|| IN CAVSA RECOGNI=||tionis, seu (ut uocant) reuisionis.|| PER CLARISSIMVM || D. Simonem Pistoris.||
Author / Contributor: Pistoris, Simon (1489-1562)
Related work:
Publication: [Marburg]: [Kolbe, Andreas], [1551]
Media Type: Monograph, Resource
Carrier Type: Printed Resource
Pagination: 13 Bl. ; 8-o
Subject heading:
  • Philipp I., Hessen, Landgraf (1504-1567)
  • Grafschaft Katzenelnbogen
  • Erbauseinandersetzung
  • Wilhelm, Nassau-Dillenburg, Graf (1487-1559)
  • Rechtsgutachten
  • Katzenelnbogener Erbfolgestreit
Additional details:
  • Weiterer Titel: Responsum iuris in causa recognitionis seu, ut vocant, revisionis Italiam et Galliam academiarum clarissimorumque iuris antecessorum reponsa
  • Fächer: 330 Geschichte; 600 Rechtswissenschaft; 130 Landeskunde Region Koblenz
  • hbz Verbund-ID: HT004152266

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