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Simmera Palatina In Pago Hunnorum Illustrata: Quam Exhibet ... Ad Actum Oratorio-Promotorium In Aede S. Gallica, Tamquam Gymnasii Nostri Auditorio Maiori, Inter Symphonias Musicas, Publice Celebrandum, Qua Par Est Observantia Aut Humanitate

Rogat Atque Invitat Ioannes Henricus Andreae, V. D. M. & Gymn. Reform. Heidelb. Rector
[S.l.], 1771
Monograph, Academic Publication, Printed Resource - 39 S. ; 4°

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Simmera Palatina In Pago Hunnorum Illustrata: Quam Exhibet ... Ad Actum Oratorio-Promotorium In Aede S. Gallica, Tamquam Gymnasii Nostri Auditorio Maiori, Inter Symphonias Musicas, Publice Celebrandum, Qua Par Est Observantia Aut Humanitate
Statement of Responsibility: Rogat Atque Invitat Ioannes Henricus Andreae, V. D. M. & Gymn. Reform. Heidelb. Rector
Author / Contributor: Andreae, Johann Heinrich (1728-1793)
Related work:
Publication: [S.l.], 1771
Media Type: Monograph, Academic Publication
Carrier Type: Printed Resource
Pagination: 39 S. ; 4°
Additional details:
  • Vorlageform des Erscheinungsvermerks: A. D. XXV. Septemb. an. [MD]CCLXXI. hora pomerid. secunda
  • Heidelberg, Ref. Gymn., Einlad.-Schr., 25. Sept. 1771
  • Fächer: 131 Landeskunde Pfalz
  • hbz Verbund-ID: HT011110234

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