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SVMMARIA || TOTIVS ETHICAE || doctrinae expositio, paucis ali=||quot thesibus comprehensa, & || menstruae disputationis causa || in schola Lauingana || proposita.|| A ̀|| NICOLAO REVSNERO || Iurisconsulto.|| AD HORAM VI. matutinam, Idibus SEPTEMB.|| ANNO M.D.LXXIIII.|| In nouo Auditorio.|| Qua in re pro more operam suam interponet || Georgius Agricola Chalcorinus.|| Item || ETHICARVM DISPVTATIONVM || menstruarum ... || ANNVS I.||

Reusner, Nikolaus (1545-1602) ; Agricola, Georg Chalcorinus
LAVINGAE || Excudebat Philippus Vlhardus.||. - Lavingae
Monograph, Printed Resource - [28] Bl. ; 8-o

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SVMMARIA || TOTIVS ETHICAE || doctrinae expositio, paucis ali=||quot thesibus comprehensa, & || menstruae disputationis causa || in schola Lauingana || proposita.|| A ̀|| NICOLAO REVSNERO || Iurisconsulto.|| AD HORAM VI. matutinam, Idibus SEPTEMB.|| ANNO M.D.LXXIIII.|| In nouo Auditorio.|| Qua in re pro more operam suam interponet || Georgius Agricola Chalcorinus.|| Item || ETHICARVM DISPVTATIONVM || menstruarum ... || ANNVS I.||
Author / Contributor: Reusner, Nikolaus (1545-1602) ; Agricola, Georg Chalcorinus
Related work:
Edition: LAVINGAE || Excudebat Philippus Vlhardus.||
Publication: Lavingae
Media Type: Monograph
Carrier Type: Printed Resource
Pagination: [28] Bl. ; 8-o
Additional details:
  • hbz Verbund-ID: HT016870759

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