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An awful dose. Tammany Haul. "Now that I have swallowed that horrid 'Green' stuff, will I recover?" Dr. N.Y. "Oh, dear, no. That was only a Tonic. Nothing will save you, you're so far gone.": Hall liegt krank im Bett und berät sich mit einem Arzt

Th. Nast
[New York]: [McClure], 09.12.1871
Monograph, Other, Printed Resource - 1 Blatt : 12,0 x 12,0 cm

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An awful dose. Tammany Haul. "Now that I have swallowed that horrid 'Green' stuff, will I recover?" Dr. N.Y. "Oh, dear, no. That was only a Tonic. Nothing will save you, you're so far gone.": Hall liegt krank im Bett und berät sich mit einem Arzt
Statement of Responsibility: Th. Nast
Author / Contributor: Nast, Thomas (1840-1902) ; Hall, Abraham Oakey (1826-1898)
Related work:
Publication: [New York]: [McClure], 09.12.1871
Media Type: Monograph
Carrier Type: Other, Printed Resource
Pagination: 1 Blatt : 12,0 x 12,0 cm
Additional details:
  • Aus: Harpers Weekly, Nr. 780, 09.12.1871, Seite 1160
  • hbz Verbund-ID: HT019085728

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