Colored rule in a reconstructed state. (The members call each other thieves, liars, rascals, and cowards.) Columbia. "You are Aping the lowest Whites. If you disgrace your Race in this way you had better take Back Seats.": im Parlament von South Carolina findet zwischen schwarzen Abgeordneten ein wütender Streit statt (zu S.242)
[New York]: [McClure], 14.03.1874
Monograph, Other, Printed Resource
- 1 Blatt : 27,0 x 22,9 cm
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Colored rule in a reconstructed state. (The members call each other thieves, liars, rascals, and cowards.) Columbia. "You are Aping the lowest Whites. If you disgrace your Race in this way you had better take Back Seats.": im Parlament von South Carolina findet zwischen schwarzen Abgeordneten ein wütender Streit statt (zu S.242)
Statement of Responsibility: | Th. Nast |
Author / Contributor: | Nast, Thomas (1840-1902) ; Columbia, Fiktive Gestalt |
Related work: | |
Publication: | [New York]: [McClure], 14.03.1874 |
Media Type: | Monograph |
Carrier Type: | Other, Printed Resource |
Pagination: | 1 Blatt : 27,0 x 22,9 cm |
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