"Protecting white labour." Intelligent Workman. "You need not plead my cause and my children's. I am able, and always have been, to take care of myself and mine; and no large military force is necessary to keep the peace, for real working-men are not rioters, strikers, and blowers: ein Arbeiter beschwert sich bei Blaine über dessen Bevormundung. [In der Zeichnung befinden sich mehrere Textblöcke]
[New York]: [McClure], 22.03.1879
Monograph, Other, Printed Resource
- 1 Blatt ; 27,7 x 23,2 cm
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"Protecting white labour." Intelligent Workman. "You need not plead my cause and my children's. I am able, and always have been, to take care of myself and mine; and no large military force is necessary to keep the peace, for real working-men are not rioters, strikers, and blowers: ein Arbeiter beschwert sich bei Blaine über dessen Bevormundung. [In der Zeichnung befinden sich mehrere Textblöcke]
Statement of Responsibility: | Th. Nast |
Author / Contributor: | Nast, Thomas (1840-1902) ; Blaine, James Gillespie (1830-1893) |
Related work: | |
Publication: | [New York]: [McClure], 22.03.1879 |
Media Type: | Monograph |
Carrier Type: | Other, Printed Resource |
Pagination: | 1 Blatt ; 27,7 x 23,2 cm |
Additional details: |