A monster of hideous mien. First abhor, then endure, then embrace!: die Senatoren Joseph Hawley und George Hoar umarmen James Blaine
[New York]: [McClure], 13.09.1884
Monograph, Other, Printed Resource
- 1 Blatt ; 12,6 x 11,4 cm
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Title: |
A monster of hideous mien. First abhor, then endure, then embrace!: die Senatoren Joseph Hawley und George Hoar umarmen James Blaine
Statement of Responsibility: | Th. Nast |
Author / Contributor: | Nast, Thomas (1840-1902) ; Blaine, James Gillespie (1830-1893) ; Hawley, Joseph ; Hoar, George Frisbie |
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Publication: | [New York]: [McClure], 13.09.1884 |
Media Type: | Monograph |
Carrier Type: | Other, Printed Resource |
Pagination: | 1 Blatt ; 12,6 x 11,4 cm |
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